Why size and space matter in a home

We have all heard that ‘bigger is better’ and ‘size matters’. Such phrases tend to be used for possessions such as a car or a television. And most if not all the time, this tends to be true. Bigger generally implies more features, better longevity, and a host of features that aren’t available in the smaller variant of that product.

The same is true for the homes that we live in. The following are a few reasons why. 

Interior decor

To put it simply, a bigger living space allows for more furniture, decor, and other elements to be added. There are far less restrictions on the kinds of furniture you want to bring into the rooms and more than adequate wall space to hang your desired decorations. Furniture that would otherwise be considered ‘not the most necessary’ for a smaller space would find itself comfortable among the essentials in a bigger home. Even indoor plants can enjoy the vast breathability attributed to the spaciousness of the room. If you are someone that loves to do up your interiors to your heart’s content, then getting your hands on the biggest space possible is the way to go. Bigger spaces also allow you to rearrange furniture around freely to create different looks – after all, it’s always nice to try something different in terms of interior decor arrangements.

More accommodating 

Buying a home is usually a long term affair. This means taking into consideration the prospect of having children and thus adding more members to the family. A bigger home almost always has more rooms than smaller ones, and these rooms will come in handy when children come into the picture. After all, your children can’t be in the same room as you and your spouse forever! Extra rooms are also very helpful in accommodating parents, grandparents, and other family members that may drop in, no matter how frequently or occasionally. All in all, more rooms = less hassles when it comes to accommodating more people in the living space.


We know that many of us have started to dread this phrase. But for as long as COVID-19 stays in our world, we have no choice but to continue working from home for the time being. Bigger homes facilitate working from home all the more seamlessly by allowing you to designate a room just for the purpose of office activities. It also helps to create a distinct separation between work and leisure, which is probably the most difficult part about working from home. A bigger home also means that sound has a more difficult time travelling from one room to another. This is useful for when you are attending important meetings or conducting crucial presentations where background noise can be a hindrance.

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